Any outward remittance.|Special interest rates for PFCA fixed deposits.
Instant Loan /overdraft facilities against foreign currency balance in PFCA accounts.
Credit Cards and other related benefits (Travel Insurance, Ultra Miles).|Debit Card and SMS Alertz service.
Fund transfers between PFCA, BFCA or offshore Banking accounts.
Existing NRFC/RFC/RNNFC/NRNNFC accounts re-designated to PFCA
An individual, including a minor, who is a Sri Lankan National.
An individual of Sri Lankan origin, including a minor who is a resident outside Sri Lanka.
A non-national resident in Sri Lanka.| A non - national either on temporary visit to Sri Lanka or intending to visit Sri Lanka.
An administrator or executor of the estates of a deceased person, who maintained a personal foreign currency account with that authorized dealer or restricted dealer until the completion of the administration of the deceased person’s estate
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